HYPSTAIR meets AERO 2014
In the scope of AERO Friedrichshafen 2014 (Germany), HYPSTAIR project partners in cooperation with ASTM international will implement a workshop, which will take place on 8th April 2014. Main theme of the workshop will be “Certification requirements …
HYPSTAIR partners met in Nürnberg
On 19th and 20th March 2014 all partners of the HYPSTAIR project met in Nürnberg (Germany) at the second project meeting. The project meeting followed very successful Kick off meeting held in Ajdovščina (Slovenia) which underlined the start-up activities. The …
HYPSTAIR – Start up project
Bringing Innovation By Designing Certified Serial Hybrid Aircraft Components In Light Aviation
On 10th and 11th of October, partners gathered around the project “Development and validation of hybrid propulsion system components and sub-systems for electrical aircraft” or in …
HYPSTAIR project in Creactivity 2013
Crea©tivity is an idea, a vision and an event that in 2006 involved international guests, students, teachers and professionals. This year the Crea©tivity project re- proposes its transversal formula with different types of projects, design communications and involvements.